There is little else more frustrating than trying to work with school administrators. In fact, I firmly believe that the frustration I felt from my time "collaborating" with my high school's Head of Innovation was a major contributor to my current political views (sadly I'm only half joking).
In senior year, a group of friends and I decided to create a simple app for students to help manage their schedule. We decided to work in partnership with the school hoping it would make be easier to launch the product and gain access to school resources. Instead, the school administrators were stifling, constraining our ability to iterate quickly and perform beta tests. I think that was one of the most frustrating experiences I've gone through.
But in retrospect, I've gained a better understanding of patience. During the app development process, there was a lot of time between releases as we waited for the school administration to approve the new features. But instead of waiting passively, we used the time to talk to other students and learn about pain points.
This sort of "active patience" is super valuable. Most people mistakenly associate patience for laziness. But, active patience is the opposite. Like a Lion stalking it's prey, you stay crouched in position, poised to strike when the opportunity arises. You're alert, your ready and your muscles are tensed.
Patience of this sort is difficult to cultivate. It's also hard to know when you are teetering into inaction. A high level of self awareness is needed. But, accepting and engaging in active patience is essential to staving off frustration when you need to move slowly.