Moving to a New City

This is the first time I've lived alone in a new city by myself. I have roommates of course, but the experience is still very different than anything I've had before. I couple things I've done recently to make it feel more like home:

  • Walking is great. Just wandering around randomly when you are looking for a place to eat is a unique experience. Set time aside for this aimless exploration. You'll find hidden gems or just a really nice place to sit and think.
  • Taking public transit - trains are best. You get to see a lot and get a feel for what's where very cheaply.
  • People love giving recommendations. Be aggressive about asking for things to do, places to see and food to eat. If you ask nicely enough, you'll quickly find people to do those things with.

Moving to another city has made me much more energized. Perhaps it's novelty but I've noticed that I'm a lot more proactive and productive. I'm much more focused on work and my errands. I have more excitement for seemingly mundane and are much more socially active. I feel in my element. Something worth noting I think. I wonder how long it will take until this "glow" wears off?