Freezing Time

I think a lot about why people have kids. A little while back, I received an interesting response: having kids freezes time. At the moment, it seemed nonsensical. Thinking back, it makes a lot of sense.

Most of the time we live in the past or the future. We are rarely actively engaged in the present. It's incredibly easy to get stuck imaging the future or reminiscing the past. These pockets of "true awareness" are fleeting but immensely powerful. Every sensation is felt and burned into your mind; be it the smell of firewood or the brilliant orange of the setting sun. Time moves in slow motion, the world flowing around you as you watch the rush of the world go by.

When these moments happen, you truly experience reality as it is, with a unusual clarity and peace that's hard to put into words

Having kids seems to make these moments happen more often in even the most mundane events. Things like tucking your kid into bed, or watching them dig a hole at the beach become immensely fulfilling. You feel like you don't need to be anywhere else. You don't need to look any further than where you are now.

The price we pay to exist and experience all the world has to offer is time. It's the one finite currency that cannot be increased, refunded or earned. Make every attempt to slow down the rate at which you spend it. You only have so much time.

Even before you have kids, this still applies. Do things that slow time. Get really good at noticing when these moments of "true awareness" happen and do more of whatever created it. For me, this means spending time with people I love and doing high intensity activities like paintball or scuba diving.

I used to think I didn't want kids, and that they would slow my momentum. I'm not so sure now. Though life is long, it also really isn't. Time the most important resource I have. Do I really want to spend it so quickly?