Craftspeople and Businesspeople

I think there are two types of great builders: craftspeople and businesspeople. These two groups have different strengths and metrics of success but share a common inertia and need to excel. They have the same acceleration, but a wildly different direction.

Craftspeople are people devoted singularly to their respective craft. This includes Olympic athletes, world class artists, football players, blacksmiths, chefs and even truly passionate engineers and designers. These types of people spend their time perfecting their chosen field, and take great joy and pride in becoming true experts. Their passion is their greatest strength.

Businesspeople are experts at resource allocation and strategy, These can be politicians, CEO's, investors, industrialists and even great military generals. They excel at moving people, capital and other resources to where they're needed when they're needed. They have a good eye for seeing connections between disparate topics and the big picture

I've realized that I over-index on spending time and connecting with businesspeople. It can be energizing but also creates an echo chamber. My friends and network often share very similar values and metrics of personal success.

That's why over the past few months, I've made an effort to spend time with more craftspeople. They have a different energy. The intensity and energy is still there, but there is a purity to their passion and focus. Businesspeople are mercenaries - they do what will benefit them most regardless of the cause. Craftspeople are evangelists and apostles, here to spread their faith and love.

This is not mutually exclusive as there are people who have traits of each. These people are very rare and always I'm willing to bet on them.